Ages 4-12
Afterschool programing that is centered around being active and outdoors.
Safe Child Care Environment
The Nova Scotia Before and After Program is available to families of children ages 4 to 12, who are enrolled in the Nova Scotia Pre-primary Program or the public education system. It is delivered on-site at the school, so children and students have a seamless day.
Child care that supports the individual strengths and needs of each child to participate meaningfully in all aspects of the program.
Fresh Air Play
The program promotes health, well-being and a physically active lifestyle by focusing on physical literacy, movement and outdoor play.
Healthy Snacks
Children and students in the program will receive a snack every day. Families do not need to pack food or toys. Families will need to make sure their child has appropriate clothing for outdoor play.
Creative learning through moving
Outdoor play helps children learn skills, develop physical strength, and benefits mental well-being.